KISA — The easy to use phone
About the Project
KISA is a company that creates customized mobile phones for groups of people who have trouble using modern technology. Each phone is customized and programmed only to make calls to specific users. Also, the device is equipped with built-in GPS, an emergency call button, and has a place on the rear panel for vital information about the user’s health and emergency contacts.

KISA phone users are the seniors, children, people with diseases such as arthritis, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, any mental and physical disabilities. Also, the phone is popular among people with partial or complete loss of vision. Full customization allows creating a phone with large bright buttons or choose Braille for naming contacts.

The client requested to create a marketing strategy and set up online advertising. We considered the specifics and the target audience of the product, analyzed the client’s past experience with paid advertising and conducted a competitor analysis to create and implement a promotion strategy.
Online advertising
The goal was to attract customers across Australia who are looking for similar products online. Given the uniqueness of the product, it was also important to inform the audience about such a phone and all its benefits.
To create a promotion strategy, we analyzed the market and competitors, identified key performance indicators and thought out the best methods to achieve them. The project scope was as follows:
Google Search Ads
The client’s website has several landing pages with detailed information on how the phone can be customized for specific user groups, i.e. the elderly, children, people with dementia, etc. Before launch, we collected all relevant search queries and grouped them by directions to create individual text ads in accordance with the request, so that the user immediately gets to the page he/she needs.

After creating campaigns, budget planning and approval by the customer, we proceeded to launch. Work on campaigns continued as soon as we got the first results. When we saw that some directions show better results and are more popular than others, we decided to redistribute the budget. Next, we improved ad quality and performance metrics to fight competition and reduce cost per click, and therefore cost per conversion. We also repeatedly conducted A/B testing of various bidding strategies to find the best option and a strategy that would give us the best results.
KISA phones are a narrowly focused product for a specific audience, so queries such as “mobile phone” or “smartphone” would be a waste of budget. Before the launch, although we selected only targeted, low-frequency queries, sometimes ads were displayed for general queries related to phones. To avoid this, certain keywords must be blocked, which is done manually. Having blocked all irrelevant queries initially, we continue to find non-standard wording of the query, which we also block for display. That is why regular monitoring and analysis is very important within the framework of the project.
Shopping Ads
Due to Google Shopping campaign we could promote a product above search results that include paid search ads and organics. Setting up the campaign consisted of working with the data feed in the Merchant Center, selecting the most effective and competitive bidding strategy, and excluding irrelevant queries, just like with regular search advertising.
Shopping has worked really well. Compared to search ads, shopping ads are less likely to be the last or only channel before making a purchase, but looking at the attribution models, we can see that Shopping was much more likely to participate in a user’s journey to conversion as the first or intermediate source of traffic. In other words, some of the users who converted after several visits to the site learned about the product through Google Shopping ads.

YouTube Ads
The YouTube video campaign was created to engage customers by informing the audience about the benefits of the product. The videos were shown to users who are interested in smartphones, medical devices and equipment, and aging issues. The campaign brought views and traffic, but the higher cost per click and the lack of enough conversions were a signal for relocating the budget to search advertising as a more effective promotion method.

Free Listing
This is a free promotion method for merchants that displays information about products from the Merchant Center feed in the Purchased section of Google searches. So even before visiting the site, the user sees basic information about different products, which forms a personalized product showcase specifically for the search query.
Free listing showed excellent performance, enabling display right away for most of the countries that support this feature. Our data analysis showed that this channel really brings traffic to the site, as well as direct conversions for the main goals, without spending any budget.

Microsoft Ads
To cover more potential customers, we launched ads on Bing search through Microsoft Ads. The promotion did bring traffic and some conversions, but since Bing is not so popular among the target audience in Australia, compared to Google search advertising, this promotion method turned out to be less effective. However, as we plan to expand our targeting to other locations, we see Microsoft Ads as a great traffic channel from the US, where the Bing browser is more popular.
To remind users who started but didn’t complete their order for some reason, we launched remarketing campaigns. Users who have reached the purchase stage on the site see our ads when visit other websites and applications. For those who have reached different stages of the sales funnel, we have created different campaigns to better evaluate their effectiveness. We use responsive Merchant Center display and shopping ads for this purpose.

Facebook Ads
The WWM team did a full analysis of the client’s activity on his social media and made a recommendation based on that data. The factors that influenced the recommendation were the client’s location, industry, and competitors. We then made a step-by-step plan for this client to approach social media.
The plan was designed to run on Facebook, the main social media platform. The client needed help in drafting and managing advertising campaigns. The main goal was to increase the number of subscribers and likes on the Facebook page.
The performance improved every month of our project work. For example, Facebook reach was 55K views and engagement was 28K reactions. We increased the number of likes by 1430 and reached 2900 likes.
Web Analytics
Before proceeding to advertising, we audited the existing analytics setup and found that data on targeted actions in the Google Ads account was transmitted through the Google Analytics tool, as well as directly from the site itself, which led to a doubling of conversions. Therefore, it was decided to set up analytics services from scratch. We have identified all the valuable actions that a user can take on the site to further customize their tracking through the Tag Manager. Next, we linked the GTM account with Google Analytics, worked out goal tracking and a sales funnel. At the moment, the Analytics collected array of data allows us to accurately analyze the results of campaigns, experiments, and make decisions based on real data.
For the convenience of the client, we have created a turnkey interactive Data Studio report to quickly analyze key promotion performance indicators without the need to deal with Google Analytics reports.
The report provides visual information about the sales funnel, namely, how many users reach each stage of ordering. The dynamics of the main conversion channels shows the number and sources of conversions we receive every day. We also monitor the dynamics of new users on the site, the bounce rate and the types of devices the customers use to visit the site. The most significant reports in this case are the report on the number of conversions from advertising and organics, which includes associative conversions to form the most complete performance statistics, as well as the conversion number and cost report by months. So we see how the cost of purchases changed based on seasons, experiments and other marketing decisions. All these reports help us quickly and visually monitor possible changes and analyze their cause.
Our team has been working on the project since 2021. Experiments, testing and work with different advertising formats allowed us to determine the most correct and effective ways to promote the product. At the moment, we are scaling up successful sales channels, the most effective of which is Google Search Ads. We have also analyzed those tools that showed not the best but significant results to find out what technical changes we need, after which we can proceed to restart with a guaranteed better result.